Bill of Rights: Second Amendment


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Before the 2nd Amendment

-1st Colonists knew they had to rely on themselves for their defense
-Had no official army & only had volunteer militia
-Nation's founders gave a lot of attention to the nation's militia
-President given control of all military forces as Commander-in-Chief as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists
-Federalists wanted a strong central government & a large standing army firmly under the Federal government
-Anti-Federalists believed in the power of the states & small regular armies with the state controlled militias
-Militia's power divided between the Federal Government and the states
-1792:Congress passes a law requiring men ages 18-45 to join the army

Why was the 2nd Amendment passed?

-The Constitution is based on individual rights and their unalienable rights
-Significant part of 2nd Amendment  is about property rights
-Original intent was to keep the government in the people's hands
-Kept Government from being too powerful and abusive
-Reason:Security of the state
-Goal:A well regulated militia (see title head for 2nd Amendment)

After the 2nd Amendment

-During World War II the Japanese decided not to invade ,because they knew most Americans were armed
-Countries all over the world establish gun control mainly in the 20th century
-56 million defenseless people exterminated in the 20th century after gun control

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